You have chosen an excellent option to integrate images and text into your website. Move the image in this container as you like, the text will adjust itself automatically. You can easily and creatively display meetings/events, team members, new products and more. First insert an image from the image picker and edit it just like other images in the system. For example, link the image to existing pages on your site, to a site's URL, to a popup, or to a bookmark. After selecting the image, add the text. The text can be a description of the image, but the image can also be used just for decoration. \nYou have chosen an excellent option to integrate images and text into your website.

1996-2003 • Medical studies the Ernst Moritz Arndt University of Greifswald and the Medical University of Lübeck

Study stays abroad in London, Brisbane, Malta, Barbados and Switzerland

2004-2012 • Specialist training in surgery (including Charité Berlin and Vivantes Klinikum in Friedrichshain)

2012 • Internship Meoclinic Berlin, sports medicine / shoulder surgery Dr. D Young

2013-2019 • Specialist training in orthopaedics/accident surgery

• DRK clinics Berlin Koepenick

• Rhoen Clinic Meiningen

• Arcus Sportkliniken, Pforzheim (focus on knee joint)

Sports medicine support handball team SG Pforzheim

2019 -2023 • Practical employment as a specialist in orthopedics/trauma surgery in Berlin

(Focus on the knee joint including arthroscopic operations)

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